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Transitional Farming

Regenerative Practices

The philosophy behind regenerative agriculture is based on the fundamental pillars of soil health, animal welfare, and social fairness (source). The momentum behind regenerative farming gives us huge hope for our planet's future however we do not want to make unachievable promises as to when, or even if, a 100% regenerative supply chain is achievable. 

We promised is we would incorporate regenerative practices into our supply chain as soon as feasibly possible. Enter: the humble bean.  We’re so proud to announce that this year we were able to start our pilot practice, sourcing and growing our main ingredient right here in the Netherlands. Below are our yearly goals in our path to achieving our goal of using regenerative agriculture in our supply chain. 

  • 2022: Our pilot took place on a farm in the Netherlands. It  includes part of the regenerative principles, using natural manures and no spraying on our crops. 

  • 2023:  As of this year we are aiming to use solely natural manures, growing cover crops alongside our beans to provide additional nutrients to the soil as well as look to scale up the whole initiative. 

  • 2024-25: Aim to source all of our beans in the Netherlands using regenerative approaches. 

  • 2026: Produce our first regenerative product before making an assessment as to whether we can transition the rest of our products onto regeneratively sourced ingredients.