Original Sauce Mashed Potatoes & Parsnip


Cook time 30 minutes. Serves 2 people.


80 g (1 big tbsp) Original Sauce

250 g medium sized potatoes

250 g parsnip

1 garlic clove

1 rosemary sprig

1 tbsp olive oil

Fresh chive or spring onion

Salt & pepper


  1. Wash the potatoes and parsnips. Peel and trim the parsnips. Cut them in half lengthwise, then into 1 cm slices. Cut the potatoes in quarters. (Tip: keep on the peel as it includes essential iron, fiber and vitamins, plus it brings a nice chunky texture to the mash).

  2. Peel the garlic, and crush it with the side of your knife. Wash the fresh rosemary, take the leaves off the sprig, and chop it finely.

  3. Combine the potato, parsnip, rosemary and garlic in a medium sauce pan. Fill the pan with 1,5 liters of water and a pinch of salt. Bring to a boil on a medium high heat. (Tip: keep to a simmer by lowering the heat, this will prevent the mash from being too watery). 

  4. Let it simmer for 15-20 minutes until the potato and parsnip are tender at their core (prick with a fork or a small knife to test). Drain the contents in a strainer, put them back into the sauce pan, and then add the cheese sauce, black pepper and a drizzle of olive oil (optional). Mash until homogeneous and serve with some freshly chopped herbs of your choice. 

  5. For this recipe, you can also use only potatoes or replace the parsnip with any root vegetable of your choice such as celery, carrot, rutabaga…